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The Awakened Being - Conversations to Create Change

Feb 19, 2021

Are you ready to exist in your highest and greatest joy, bliss, peace, prosperity and in the attunement of who you truly are?  Are you willing to let go of the noise, lies, illusions and old programs operating around you in the world and now create and code in a completely new reality?  To practice a new way of being that gives you access to the Remembrance of your Natural State of Divinity, of Heaven on Earth now as your existence and as a New Human of the New Earth.

This show is a direct channeled transmission as we dive straight into the key awareness of who and what we are and the pivot points we get to make to truly embody our highest remembrance.  Knowing and imprinting with what is shared here will completely change your interactions, perception, way of being with all of life and your experience of everything… If you choose to integrate with it. 

Remember that energy never dies, it only transmutes. This will be a guide to take what is holding you back through radical responsibility to now be the creator of change.  You can only receive what you are aware of, go beyond what you can see in the three-dimensional world and look to the multi-dimensional being of light that you are and can be to download the codes you need to evolve.

If you are ready and willing to now operate from the highest frequency of unconditional love for yourself fully and all of life, to live through heart centered consciousness and implement this remembrance, then it’s time to open the flood gates for you to now receive and live the life you desire.

And lovers, I have a podcast exclusive gift for you because you are here as soul family choosing
to create your most extraordinary life. Go to to get access to the Joy
Training – Living in 100% Joy Now!

For support with the step by step shifts, tools and implementation to awaken you to the creation of your greatest life, then I’d also like to invite you to grab my book “The Awakened Being, Living in Liberation, Abundance & Bliss Right Now” at or directly from amazon at

There are many resources to support you wherever you are at on the journey.  Check out the meditations, activations and specific programs to guide you into playing your way into a new reality in whatever area you are ready to break through. 

Lastly, if you’ve been on the path for a while and are ready for the path to upgrade every aspect
of human life to Living a Divine F*** Yes Life, as well as accessing ALL parts of your
Multidimensionality and Magic to always be Aligned to Manifest what you desire, then check
out the Aligned to Manifest, 1 year Life Mastery Portal to Living your Divine & Greatest Life at
I am honored to be on this sacred journey with you to full Remembrance, Liberation and living
your greatest life adventure!

You are worthy of ALL of it and playing into your most luscious life.  See you there Beloved.

To Follow & Receive even more